Products for treatment of Wry Neck

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Many misstake the treatment for wry neck is selenium but selenium is only like an assistance for the Vitamin E to do its effect. Vitamin E can do its effect without selenium but is less effective that way. Remeber to not go total banans with selenium, you only need a tiny amount for it to assist the Vitamin E.

Due to seleniums toxic effect I recomend also having a pure vitamin E product (see below) 

Many misstake the treatment for wry neck is selenium but selenium is only like an assistance for the Vitamin E to do its effect. Vitamin E can do its effect without selenium but is less effective that way. Remeber to not go total banans with selenium, you only need a tiny amount for it to assist the Vitamin E.

Every indvidual is diffrent some can go higher doses and some do not need much at all, but a guideline is:
25 mcg Selenium
400 mcg Vitamin E 

Many misstake the treatment for wry neck is selenium but selenium is only like an assistance for the Vitamin E to do its effect. Vitamin E can do its effect without selenium but is less effective that way. Remeber to not go total banans with selenium, you only need a tiny amount for it to assist the Vitamin E.



Many vitamins go hand in hand with each other. A deficincy in Vitamin A have proved to affect such as Vitamin E level and then cause a Wry Neck episode. Vitamin B have a positive effect in muscle function and there for assist the neck comming back to the right place. There for I recomend using a multivitamin in your wry neck treatment.


What I call support feed it is a powder thats formulated to help injured or sick birds. This is a easy way to get nutriens into a bird that will not eat. Its even better if you know how to tube feed a bird to get the best effect out of these formulas.


I have no proof for this but what science says honey has healing and antiinflamatory propopites. Also its high in calories, since your chicken will have a hard time eating this will be important.

Molasses is very similar to honey and can be very beniftial during a wry neck episode. The sweet taste can help stimulate apitite, its calorie rich and has some vitamin and minerals.

Molasses can be found in any feedstore
Molasses can be found in any feedstore