This is my Flock
I fell in love with the American Silkie at first sight. I told my self that "I got to own this breed one day!" 6 months later I picked up 2 teenage black silkies and 3 black silkie chicks.
The American silkie is much more rare than the European Silkie in Sweden. They are bigger in size with an more S-shaped body and a bigger crest. This crest also disqualifies them from being aproved shows in Sweden.
- The hens weighs around 1kg to 1.4kg. (The breeding standard says the hens should lay on 900g.)
- The rooster weighs around 1.6kg to 1.8kg. (The breeding standard says the roosters should lay on 1kg)
My love for poultry started with three little Indian Runner ducklings. This three ducklings grew up to be three amazing boys. This started another passion for me, to teach the world about bachelor groups
The Indian Runner duck is very unqiue looking with their standing up right posture. The name speak for its self, they can run very fast.
They are known for not being that much of a flyer (I disagree tho).
Its said that they are more quiet than other breeds.
The drakes weighs around 1.6kg to 2kg and the females around 1.4kg to 2kg.
I always wanted geese as some sort of guard dogs for our property.
I did not set out to get this breed but after some hawk attacks on my ducks I got desperate to get some fast. Geese in Sweden aint that easy to get a hold of so I snatch it fast when the same lady that sold me the ducks was looking for homes for her 9 white Italian geese. While I could not take I offerd to take 2 ganders.
The White Italian geese aint that common outside of Scandinavia (and Italy of course). They count as one of the smaller goose breeds with the females weighing around 5-7kg and the ganders 6-8kg.