Silkie Roosters

My experience: I have 3 rooster on 7 hens and this have worked to far for me cause of the personalities of the roosters.I actully only planned on only having hens, but changed my mind in the last second.
I learned how much one rooster protects the girls. So I got the best rooster ever my first rooster, Bartholomew.But there is a thing such as chicken math...With my first batch of chickens there was 3 little unsexed chicks. With these 3 little ball of cutness there was a spunky little boy that grew up to be my 2nd rooster Peewee Pete.Then I tought I need some more girls so these 2 boys can be happy! Like said silkies can be really hard to sex. One of these "girls" fooled an experienced breeder. He was not a girl, he was another spunky little boy. I paniced, I loves this boy! but now I had 3 roosters. So I tought It aint a problem, until there is a problem and it has never been a problem. So came my 3d rooster Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin "Gigi".
These 3 boys work so well togheter cause of some few points: Two of them never mates with a hen unless she squats. All 3 respect the pecking order (Still there is fights but they are mild)Gigi has such a docile personality. He has never challanged one of the other roosters.
What to always have in mind is that every rooster is diffrent. He has his own personality and own mindset.
Silkies in general are one of the most friendliest breeds and it goes the same for the boys.
Silkie rooster can often work togheter with minor to zero issues. It is rare for them to fight and they are not that hard on the ladies.
It is rare for a Silkie rooster to over mate an hen. There for the guideline "1 rooster to 10 hens" do not apply to silkies. 1 to 4 is the most common guideline when you speak about silkies.