Myth: Silkies do not roost
Not all silkies sleep in a pile

This is a big myth that silkies do not roost. You should always give them the optition to roost. Since silkies can not fly on the same way as other chickens they have a harder time to get to a high perch. When they can not get to the perch they sleep in a pile.
You can either give them a perch in a lower height or you can build it like a ladder or stairs like I have done.
You might have to teach them to use the perch (if they still prefers the pile after this, let them).
How you teach them os basicly put them on the perch at bedtime for a few days.
Every silkie is going to be diffrent. Some seem to prefer to sleep in a pile, while others really do it the old fashion way and roost.
My experience: When I was new to silkies (and chickens) I got the recomendation to atleast put in one low perch, but they where most likley going to sleep in a pile on the floor, BUT I did put them on the perch for 2 days at bedtime and soon everyone was using it.
It was not for long before my rooster Bart starting stairing up on the wallpapper and seeming anxious. I read the behavior as "Perhaps he wants to roost higher".
I put in a higher roost bar and yes, he wanted to roost higher. One after another he showed the behavior and I put in more and more roosting bars until the highest point. This way the bars formed like a ladder which they now jump up on one at the time until the reach the higher bars.
The silkies who came after I have done the same teaching routine and it went smoothly. They do want to sleep withe others.