Myth: Higher Protein
Not a proven fact!

My experience: I used to believe in this myth. Until I joined the group "Crossbeak and Special Needs" the admins of this group with high knowledge showed me the myth and harm to much protein can do. I have learned for every claim thats made within the poultry world, make sure that you have a credible source. There is not a single research that says silkies needs more protein.
I take this fact as last since this is more of a rumour in the silkie community and not a proven fact, that is that silkies need higher protein. This rumour/myth has caused more harm than good and takes away the focus from whats important in a silkie diet, nutrion dense food. Lay your focus on the vitamins! To much protein in a bird diet can cause gout and joint problems.
Most layer feed has 15% protein this is plenty enough. Recomendation is not to go over 20%. This gives you 5% to give protein in another form, which also give your silkies variation in feed and more vitamins.