Story about Shenzi the cross beak

Like I said in the start I wanted to have a cross beak for a long time now. When a lady hatched eggs from my birds and she got a cross beak I jumper at the chance to take her into my flock.
To be safe I choose to quarntine her for 30 days. My neighbour and friend took her in as quarntine home. Everything looked great for 30 days, but to be sure I wanted a health screening at the Vetenarian office. We both got shocked when the Vet came out with bad news. Shenzis white blood cells where really high, indicating she is fighting some sort of infection.
It was to big of a risk to introduce her to my flock. My neighbour/friend had fallen in love with her so we decided that she was staying in his home. Without him offering this I would had no other choise than putting her down.
We tried an antibiotic against Mycoplasma, but she did not respond to this. We tried a diffrent antibiotic but she got so sick of this one and it was such a little chance it would work.
Most likley she has a underlying virus, that most likley connected to her being a cross beak or a silkie. The vetrinarian prepared us that she would most likley not live a long life but as long the infection is kept at bay we can give her the best life.
Shenzis beak aint that severe and can still eat and drink or her own. She is offerd food and water in deep dish bowls to make it easier for her.
I wished she could have joined my flock but my time for a cross beak will come. I said this to my Vetrinarian and she was happy to contact me if they got a cross beak that needed a home.