EU Silkie vs AM Silkie

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Many do not know there is several versions of the silkie. You see one with mega poof and one with less. One with big wattles and another with no wattles, but what is the diffrence?

Here in Sweden the European silkie is the most common one while you do not see that much of the American silkie. In the states they often call a European silkie as "pet quality" rather that show quality. 

Why are they diffrent?

Our culture and also way of breeding have alot of say how the chicken will look in the end. What I have found the closest relative to the silkies ancestor is the European silkie. 

Somewhere along the line the Americans decided to mix in the Polish chicken into the silkie mix. This gave them a bigger poof but also the genetic defect of vaulted skull. I see that in the states the effort of keeping this genetic defect out of breeding is non existent, while in Sweden it is considerd unethical to breed in this defect. All tho many still do not know about this defect.


If you compare the two: In the States the European silkie is not reconised as a breed and there for can not be enterd in shows. The same in Sweden but the other way around the American Silkie is not reconised as a breed in Swedish standard and can not be enterd into shows. 

Side by side
